
Unlock the Power of Defect Management For O&M Teams – Moving Beyond Spreadsheets


Wtorek, 11 marca 2025


14:00 Europe/Copenhagen

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Ole-Erik Vestøl Endrerud

Founder & Chief Product Officer of Shoreline Wind.

Plan wydarzenia

Defects happen—then what? Many O&M teams still rely on spreadsheets, emails, and disconnected tools to track and resolve defects. But as wind farms scale and assets age, this approach leads to inefficiencies, delays, and higher costs.

Join Ole Erik Endrerud, Founder & Chief Product Officer at Shoreline Wind, as we explore how digital defect management can transform O&M workflows.

What You’ll Learn:

  • The key challenges of defect management in wind O&M and how to overcome them
  • How real-time defect tracking improves response times and reduces downtime
  • A live demo of Shoreline Wind’s new Defect Management Feature
  • How early adopters are streamlining defect resolution and cutting costs
  • Insights from Ole Erik Endrerud on the future of O&M defect management

Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock smarter defect management for O&M teams and move beyond spreadsheets!